1From — (fr[o^]m), prep. [AS. fram, from; akin to OS. fram out, OHG. & Icel. fram forward, Sw. fram, Dan. frem, Goth. fram from, prob. akin to E. forth. ?202. Cf. {Fro}, {Foremost}.] Out of the neighborhood of; lessening or losing proximity to; leaving… …
2from --- to --- — 1. Used with a repeated word to show that something keeps on. Without ending. * /The world grows wiser from age to age./ * /He goes from day to day without changing his necktie./ Also used in a short form like an adjective. * /The superintendent… …
3from --- to --- — 1. Used with a repeated word to show that something keeps on. Without ending. * /The world grows wiser from age to age./ * /He goes from day to day without changing his necktie./ Also used in a short form like an adjective. * /The superintendent… …
4from — preposition Etymology: Middle English, from Old English from, fram; akin to Old High German fram, adverb, forth, away, Old English faran to go more at fare Date: before 12th century 1. a. used as a function word to indicate a starting point of a… …
5from scratch — {adv. phr.}, {informal} With no help from anything done before; from the beginning; from nothing. * /Dick built a radio from scratch./ * /In sewing class, Mary already knew how to sew a little, but Jane had to start from scratch./ Compare: FROM… …
6from scratch — {adv. phr.}, {informal} With no help from anything done before; from the beginning; from nothing. * /Dick built a radio from scratch./ * /In sewing class, Mary already knew how to sew a little, but Jane had to start from scratch./ Compare: FROM… …
7from the ground up — {adv. phr.} From the beginning; entirely; completely. * /After the fire they had to rebuild their cabin from the ground up./ * /Sam knows about baseball from the ground up./ * /The new cars have been changed from the ground up./ …
8from way back — {adv. phr.} From a previous time; from a long time ago. * /They have known one another from way back when they went to the same elementary school./ …
9from the ground up — {adv. phr.} From the beginning; entirely; completely. * /After the fire they had to rebuild their cabin from the ground up./ * /Sam knows about baseball from the ground up./ * /The new cars have been changed from the ground up./ …
10from way back — {adv. phr.} From a previous time; from a long time ago. * /They have known one another from way back when they went to the same elementary school./ …