1One Good Trade. Inside the Highly Competitive World of Proprietary Trading , Mike Bellafiore
An inside look at what it really takes to become a better trader A proprietary trading firm consists of a group of professionals who trade the capital of the firm. Their income and livelihood is… 4227.57 руб электронная книга2Gram&# 225;tica De Versos , Marcelo Ayala (2004)
"Gram&# 225;tica De Versos" es una antolog&# 237;a de poes&# 237;a espa&# 241;ola e hispanoamericana en la que figuran poetas como Lope de Vega, Sor Juana In&# 233;s de la Cruz, Miguel de Cervantes… 926 руб3The Canterville Ghost (+ Audio CD) , Oscar Wilde (2008)
Oscar Wilde’s wonderfully satirical yet comical account of an American family living in England, has lent itself beautifully to adaptation in this book. Young children easily relate to the Otis… 714 руб4The Jungle Book (+ CD-ROM) , Gaia Ierace (2008)
This book features essentials of the English language, such as introducing oneself and asking basic questions. It also offers young readers an excellent opportunity to learn other more unusual… 643 руб5Gramatica viva de espanol , Durao Adja B.A. Barbieri (2011)
Os autores deste livro prop&# 245;em repensar a gest&# 227;o de pessoas, no sentido de mud&# 225;-la de uma gest&# 227;o t&# 233;cnico-funcional para uma gest&# 227;o estrat&# 233;gica, na qual os… 231 руб6La estrella solitaria , Alfonso Domingo (2012)
Hace un siglo, cuando el caucho comenzaba a convertirse en un lucrativo negocio, los hombres mor&# 237;an y se mataban por&# 233;l en los seringales de Acre, un territorio fronterizo entre Bolivia y… 162 руб7The Passive-Aggressive Colouring Book , Charlotte Farmer (2016)
Are you tired of all those colouring books claiming that they are the answer to your inner peace and sense of calm? Do you twitch at the thought of yoga mums, bikini diets, excessive coffee choices… 1019 руб8The Passive-Aggressive , Farmer Charlotte (2005)
Are you tired of all those colouring books claiming that they are the answer to your inner peace and sense of calm? Do you twitch at the thought of yoga mums, bikini diets, excessive coffee choices… 956 руб9Gramatica viva de espanol , Durao Adja B.A. Barbieri (2011)
Os autores deste livro prop&245;em repensar a gest&227;o de pessoas, no sentido de mud&225;-la de uma gest&227;o t&233;cnico-funcional para uma gest&227;o estrat&233;gica, na qual os empregados… 299 грн (только Украина)10The Passive-Aggressive , Farmer Charlotte (2016)
Are you tired of all those colouring books claiming that they are the answer to your inner peace and sense of calm? Do you twitch at the thought of yoga mums, bikini diets, excessive coffee choices… 1237 грн (только Украина)