interval of rest

  • 51cessation — I (interlude) noun abeyance, adjournment, armistice, arrest, break, ceasing, cloture, delay, desistance, discontinuance, discontinuation, dormancy, embolium, halt, hiatus, inaction, inactivity, interim, intermediate time, intermissio,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 52stop — 1 vb stopped, stop·ping vt 1: to cause to halt stopped payment 2: to subject to a legal stop vi: to cease activity or motion stop 2 n: an act or inst …

    Law dictionary

  • 53stay — 1 vt stayed, stay·ing: to temporarily suspend or prevent by judicial or executive order may not grant an injunction to stay proceedings in a state court U.S. Code stay 2 n: a temporary suspension or injunction of an action or process by a usu.… …

    Law dictionary

  • 54Respite — Res pite (r?s p?t), n. [OF. respit, F. r[ e]pit, from L. respectus respect, regard, delay, in LL., the deferring of a day. See {Respect}.] 1. A putting off of that which was appointed; a postponement or delay. [1913 Webster] I crave but four day… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • 55lapse — 1 / laps/ n: a termination or failure due to events, neglect, or time: as a: the failure of a bequest (as because the intended recipient dies before the testator) compare anti lapse statute b: the termination of an insurance policy because of… …

    Law dictionary

  • 56interruption — I noun abeyance, armistice, arrest, bar, block, break, cessation, check, clog, deadlock, delay, disconnection, discontinuance, disjunction, dissolution, disunion, gap, halt, hiatus, hindrance, impediment, intercapedo, interception, interference,… …

    Law dictionary

  • 57interim — in·ter·im 1 / in tə rəm/ n: an intervening time see also ad interim interim 2 adj: done, made, appointed, or occurring for an interim an interim disposition Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster …

    Law dictionary

  • 58break — / brāk/ vb broke / brōk/, bro·ken, / brō kən/, break·ing, / brā kiŋ/ vt 1 a: violate transgress break the law …

    Law dictionary

  • 59interlude — index abeyance, hiatus, interruption, interval, lapse (break), leave (absence), lull …

    Law dictionary

  • 60spell — index duration, hiatus, interval, period, phase (period), prognosticate, recess, respite ( …

    Law dictionary