interval of rest

  • 31interval — n 1. interlude, interim, interregnum, meantime, meanwhile, inbetween time. 2. intermission, entr acte, break, hiatus, interruption, parenthesis; interphase, Biol. interkinesis, Both. Geol. interstade, interstadial; pause, breath, breather,… …

    A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • 32a change is as good as a rest — 1890 A. CONAN DOYLE in Lippincott’s Monthly Mag. Feb. x. 198 Well, I gave my mind a thorough rest by plunging into a chemical analysis. One of our greatest statesmen has said that a change of work is the best rest. So it is. 1895 J. THOMAS… …

    Proverbs new dictionary

  • 33Wolf interval — When the twelve notes within the octave are tuned using meantone temperament, one of the fifths will be much sharper than the rest. If the meantone fifths are tuned from E♭ to G♯, the anomalous interval will be between G♯ and E♭. This interval is …


  • 34whole rest — noun a) A whole rest is a pause or interval of silence equal in duration to two half rests or one half of a breve rest. In common or 4/4 time, its duration is four beats. b) A symbol used in musical notation drawn as a solid rectangle directly… …


  • 35half rest — noun a) A half rest is a pause or interval of silence equal in duration to two quarter rests or one half of a whole rest. In common or 4/4 time, its duration is two beats. b) A symbol used in musical notation drawn as a solid rectangle directly… …


  • 36minim rest — noun a) A minim rest is a pause or interval of silence equal in duration to two quarter rests or one half of a whole rest. In common or 4/4 time, its duration is two beats. b) A symbol used in musical notation drawn as a solid rectangle directly… …


  • 37semibreve rest — noun a) A semibreve rest is a pause or interval of silence equal in duration to two half rests or one half of a breve rest. In common or 4/4 time, its duration is four beats. b) A symbol used in musical notation drawn as a solid rectangle… …


  • 38Interonset interval — In music the interonset interval or IOI is the time between the beginnings or attack points of successive events or notes, the interval between onsets, not including the duration of the events. For example, two sixteenth notes separated by dotted …


  • 39short interval of active rest — fizinio aktyvumo pertraukėlė statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Trumpa aktyvios fizinės veiklos pertrauka, kurios metu pakeičiamas veiklos pobūdis. Pavyzdžiui, trumpa (1–2 min.) aktyviojo poilsio pertrauka darželinukams tarp… …

    Sporto terminų žodynas

  • 40Imperfect interval — Imperfect Im*per fect, a. [L. imperfectus: pref. im not + perfectus perfect: cf. F imparfait, whence OE. imparfit. See {Perfect}.] 1. Not perfect; not complete in all its parts; wanting a part; deective; deficient. [1913 Webster] Something he… …

    The Collaborative International Dictionary of English