Villon, François

Villon, François
pseud. di de Montcorbier, François

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • Villon, François — (1431–1463)    Since medievalists have rediscovered the 15th century as a fertile period in the history of late medieval literature, they have always celebrated the provocative, often outrageous, poems by François Villon.His contemporaries,… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Villon, François — Vil·lon (vē yōɴʹ), François. 1431 1463?. French poet. His satirical lyrics are contained in Le Petit Testament (c. 1456) and Le Testament (c. 1461). * * * orig. François de Montcorbier or François des Loges born 1431, Paris, France died after… …   Universalium

  • Villon, François — (ca. 1431 ca. 1463)    poet    François Villon, whose works reflect his controversial life and who is often considered France s outstanding lyric poet, was born in or near Paris. His original name was probably either de Montcorbier or des Loges,… …   France. A reference guide from Renaissance to the Present

  • Villon, François — (1431 ca. 1463)    French poet, usually classed as a late medieval rather than a Renaissance author since his works lack the classicizing style associated with the French Renaissance. Yet his poetry was admired by leading figures of the… …   Historical Dictionary of Renaissance

  • Villon, François — ► (1431 63?) Poeta francés. Supo expresar los sentimientos más humanos ante la muerte y los azares de la vida. Obras: Pequeño y Gran testamento y Balada de las damas de antaño, elegía sobre el paso del tiempo, entre otras. * * * orig. François de …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • VILLON, FRANÇOIS —    French poet, born in Paris; studied at the university, but led a singular life; had again and again to flee from Paris; was once condemned to death, but set free after a four years imprisonment into which the sentence was commuted; is the… …   The Nuttall Encyclopaedia

  • Francois Villon — François Villon François Villon (Grand Testament de Maistre François Villon, 1489) François de Montcorbier dit Villon (né en 1431 à Paris, disparu en 1463) est un poète français de la fin du Moyen Âge. Il est probablement l auteur français le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • François de Moncorbier — François Villon François Villon (Grand Testament de Maistre François Villon, 1489) François de Montcorbier dit Villon (né en 1431 à Paris, disparu en 1463) est un poète français de la fin du Moyen Âge. Il est probablement l auteur français le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • François de Montcorbier — François Villon François Villon (Grand Testament de Maistre François Villon, 1489) François de Montcorbier dit Villon (né en 1431 à Paris, disparu en 1463) est un poète français de la fin du Moyen Âge. Il est probablement l auteur français le… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • François Villon — (in modern French, pronounced|fʀɑ̃swa viˈjɔ̃; in fifteenth century French, IPA| [fʀɑnswɛ viˈlɔn] ) (c. 1431 ndash; after 5 January 1463) was a French poet, thief, and vagabond. He is perhaps best known for his Testaments and his Ballade des… …   Wikipedia

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