Palma il Giovane

Palma il Giovane
soprannome di Negretti, Iacopo (1)

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • Palma il Giovane — (1544 1626) was a Mannerist painter. Giovane was obsessed with painting, reported his biographer: When his wife was being buried, he began to paint, and when the women returned from the funeral, he asked them whether they had accommodated her… …   Wikipedia

  • Palma il Giovane — Palma le Jeune Vénus et Mars Palma le Jeune, en italien Palma il Giovane, né Jacopo di Antonio Negretti (Venise 1544, Venise 1628) est un peintre italien maniériste, le petit neveu de Palma le Vieux …   Wikipédia en Français

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  • Palma il Vecchio — (1480 ndash; July 1528), born Jacopo Palma or known as Jacopo Negretti, was an Italian painter of the Venetian school born at Serina Alta near Bergamo. He is called Palma il Vecchio (Palma the Elder) to distinguish him from Palma il Giovane, his… …   Wikipedia

  • Palma le jeune — Vénus et Mars Palma le Jeune, en italien Palma il Giovane, né Jacopo di Antonio Negretti (Venise 1544, Venise 1628) est un peintre italien maniériste, le petit neveu de Palma le Vieux …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Palma — I Pạlma   [spanisch »Palme«, »Handfläche«] die, / s, langer, blattförmiger, reliefgeschmückter Stein, im Vorderteil rundplastisch gearbeitet; wie Hacha und Joch stammt er aus der klassischen Epoche (200 1000 n. Chr.) von der Golfküste Mexikos.… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Palma le Jeune — Vénus et Mars Palma le Jeune, en italien Palma il Giovane, né Jacopo di Antonio Negretti (Venise 1544, Venise 1628) est un peintre italien maniériste, le petit neveu de Palma le Vieux …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Palma, Jacopo — (1544 Venice 1628 Venice) (Italy); aka Palma Il Giovane / Palma, Negretti    Mannerist painter and etcher, influenced by Michaelangelo and the Roman mannerists, as well as Salviati, Tintoretto, and Vittoria. His erotica derived from his… …   Dictionary of erotic artists: painters, sculptors, printmakers, graphic designers and illustrators

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