Ibn Ezra Abraham

Ibn Ezra Abraham
detto Iudaeus, Abraham

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • IBN EZRA, ABRAHAM BEN MEIR — (1089–1164), one of the most important Jewish Bible exegetes; also a poet, composer of piyyutim , grammarian, translator, philosopher, astronomer, and astrologer. Exceptionally erudite, he was among the last creative geniuses of the Spanish… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • ibn Ezra, Abraham ben Meir — ▪ Spanish Jewish scholar born 1092/93, Tudela, Emirate of Saragossa died 1167, Calahorra, Spain       poet, grammarian, traveller, Neoplatonic philosopher, and astronomer, best known as a biblical exegete whose commentaries contributed to the… …   Universalium

  • Ibn Ezra, Abraham ben-Meir — (c. 1089–c. 1164)    Spanish poet and biblical scholar. Ibn Ezra was born in Tudela, and was closely attached to his renowned fellow townsman Judah HALEVI. He lived in Cordova under a pseudonym, and had considerable difficulty in earning a… …   Who’s Who in Jewish History after the period of the Old Testament

  • Ibn Ezra, Abraham — (1089 1164)    Spanish poet, grammarian, biblical commentator, philosopher, astronomer and physician. Born in Toledo, he lived in Spain and later journeyed to Italy, France, England and Palestine. He wrote poetry, Bible commentaries, grammatical… …   Dictionary of Jewish Biography

  • Abraham Ibn Ezra — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ibn Ezra et Ezra (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra — Abraham ibn Ezra Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ibn Ezra et Ezra (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Abraham ibn ezra — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ibn Ezra et Ezra (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • ABRAHAM IBN EZRA — (1089 1164) Commentateur, grammairien, philosophe et astronome, Abraham ibn Ezra, né à Tudela, est l’une des plus grandes figures de la pensée juive du Moyen Âge. Sa carrière se divise en deux périodes bien distinctes. Pendant la première,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Abraham ibn Ezra — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ibn Ezra et Ezra (homonymie) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Abraham ibn Ezra — Abraham ben Meir ibn Ezra (Hebrew: אברהם אבן עזרא or ראב ע, also known as Abenezra) (1092 or 1093–1167), was one of the most distinguished Jewish men of letters and writers of the Middle Ages. Ibn Ezra excelled in philosophy, astronomy/astrology …   Wikipedia

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