Fonda, Henry

Fonda, Henry
pseud. di Fonda, Henry Jaymes

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • Fonda, Henry — ▪ American actor in full  Henry Jaynes Fonda  born May 16, 1905, Grand Island, Nebraska, U.S. died August 12, 1982, Los Angeles, California       American stage and motion picture actor who appeared in more than 90 films over six decades and… …   Universalium

  • FONDA, Henry — (1905–1982)    Born in Nebraska, Henry Fonda was a Hollywood celebrity for over 50 years, starring in some of the most memorable films of all time, including quite a few great Westerns. Beginning with Jesse James (1939), nearly every film and… …   Westerns in Cinema

  • Fonda, Henry — (1905 1982)    Born in Grand Island, Nebraska, Henry Fonda abandoned study at the University of Minnesota to become an actor. After working in theater in Omaha, he moved to New York and through the 1920s performed in a variety of roles in… …   Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era

  • Fonda, Henry — • ФО НДА (Fonda) Генри (16.5.1905 12.8.1982)    амер. актёр. Учился в Миннесотском ун те. С 1925 в провинц. т ре, с 1929 на Бродвее. После успеха в комедии Фермер выбирает жену был приглашён в Голливуд и дебютировал в кино в экранизации этой… …   Кино: Энциклопедический словарь

  • Fonda,Henry — Fon·da (fŏnʹdə), Henry. 1905 1982. American actor noted for his portrayal of decent, down to earth individuals in films such as The Grapes of Wrath (1940) and On Golden Pond (1981), for which he won an Academy Award. His daughter Jane (born 1937) …   Universalium

  • Fonda, Henry (Jaynes) — born May 16, 1905, Grand Island, Neb., U.S. died Aug. 12, 1982, Los Angeles, Calif. U.S. actor. He achieved success on Broadway in The Farmer Takes a Wife (1934), which led him to Hollywood for the film version (1935). He portrayed thoughtful men …   Universalium

  • Fonda, Henry (Jaynes) — (16 may. 1905, Grand Island, Neb., EE.UU.–12 ago. 1982, Los Ángeles, Cal.). Actor estadounidense. Logró renombre en Broadway con la obra El granjero toma una esposa (1934), y la versión cinematográfica de 1935 lo instaló en Hollywood. Representó… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Fonda, Henry — ► (1905 82) Actor cinematográfico estadounidense. Se caracterizó por una extrema sobriedad interpretativa. Entre sus películas destacan: Guerra y paz (1967) y En el estanque dorado, película que le valió un Oscar en 1982 …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Henry Fonda — Fonda en Las tres noches de Eva (1941) Nombre real Henry Jaynes Fonda Nacimiento 16 de mayo de 1905 …   Wikipedia Español

  • Fonda — (Henry) (1905 1982) acteur américain …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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