
asset /ˈasset, ingl. ˈæsɛt/
[propr. «bene (economico)», dall'anglo-fr. assetz «(avere) a sufficienza, abbastanza»]
s. m. inv.
(econ.) bene.

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • asset — Fowler (1926) called this a ‘false form’, meaning that the true form was assets, derived from a late Anglo French word which came in turn from Latin ad satis meaning ‘to sufficiency’, while asset was the lazy writer s alternative when unwilling… …   Modern English usage

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  • Asset — [ æsət] das; s, s <aus engl. asset »Stütze, Hilfe« zu altfr. asez (fr. assez) »genug«, dies aus vulgärlat. ad satis>: 1. Vermögenswert eines Unternehmens (Wirtsch.). 2. (meist Plur.) Besonderheit, Ergänzung, Zusatz (z. B. Bild u.… …   Das große Fremdwörterbuch

  • ASSET — Source for Software Engineering Technology kommerzieller Ableger des DARPA STARS Projekt, Verwaltungsgesellschaft des WSRD ( …   Acronyms von A bis Z

  • asset — [n1] advantage aid, benefit, blessing, boon, credit, distinction, help, resource, service, treasure; concept 661 Ant. disadvantage, liability asset(s) [n2] property or money possessed ace in the hole*, ace up sleeve*, backing, bankroll, budget,… …   New thesaurus

  • asset — [as′et] n. [earlier assets < Anglo Fr assetz (in legal phrase aver assetz, to have enough) < OFr assez, enough < VL * ad satis, sufficient < L ad, to + satis, enough: see SAD] 1. anything owned that has exchange value 2. a valuable or …   English World dictionary

  • Asset — As set, n. Any article or separable part of one s assets. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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