
reportage /fr. ʀ(J)pE&ta1/
[vc. fr., da reporter, lo stesso che l'ingl. reporter]
s. m. inv.
1. servizio
2. (est.) inchiesta, cronaca telecronaca.

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • Reportage — Reportage …   Deutsch Wörterbuch

  • reportage — [ r(ə)pɔrtaʒ ] n. m. • 1865; de 2. reporter 1 ♦ Œuvre d un journaliste (⇒ 2. reporter) qui témoigne de ce qu il a vu et entendu. Faire un reportage sur le Burundi. Reportage photographique, filmé, télévisé (⇒ téléreportage) , radiodiffusé (⇒… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Reportage — sometimes refers to the total body of media coverage of a particular topic or event, including news reporting and analysis: the extensive reportage of recent events in x . This is typically used in discussions of the media s general tone or angle …   Wikipedia

  • reportage — /rəpor taʒ/, it. /repor taʒ/ s.m., fr. [der. di reporter riferire ], in ital. invar. (giorn.) [resoconto di un cronista, di un corrispondente, ecc., su una situazione o un argomento particolare: un r. di guerra ] ▶◀ servizio. ● Espressioni:… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • reportage — pronounced rep aw tahzh in a semi French way, now usually means ‘the reporting of events for the press or broadcasting’: • As a journalist, as well as a novelist, Dickens made Nicholas Nickleby into an example of reportage disguised as fiction… …   Modern English usage

  • Reportage — Re*port age ( [asl]j), n. SAme as {Report}. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • reportage — the describing of events, 1891; see REPORT (Cf. report) + AGE (Cf. age) …   Etymology dictionary

  • reportage — ► NOUN 1) the reporting of news by the press and the broadcasting media. 2) factual, journalistic presentation in a book or other text …   English terms dictionary

  • reportage — [ri pôrt′ij, rep΄ər täzh′] n. 1. the act or process of reporting news events 2. written reports, articles, etc. that deal with current events in a journalistic manner …   English World dictionary

  • Reportage — Journalisme Sujets Actualité • Reportage • Éthique • Source d information • Diffamation • Autres sujets Genres Journalisme citoyen Journalisme gonzo Journalisme d enquête Nouvea …   Wikipédia en Français

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