
pipeline /paipˈlain, ingl. ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn/
[vc. ingl., da pipe «tubo» e line «linea, fila»]
s. f. inv.
oleodotto, gasdotto, metanodotto tubatura, tubazione, condotta.

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • Pipeline — Detail einer geflanschten Verbindung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pipeline — may refer to:* Classic RISC pipeline, a five stage hardware based computer instruction set. * Pipeline transport, a conduit made from pipes connected end to end for long distance fluid transport * Plastic pressure pipeline, for fluid handling *… …   Wikipedia

  • PIPELINE — Tiré du latin pipa , tuyau, et linea , ligne, le terme anglo saxon pipeline également prononcé à la française s’applique spécifiquement aux systèmes de canalisations à haute pression (jusqu’à 100 bars) utilisés pour le transport à moyenne et… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Pipeline — Sf lange Rohrleitung per. Wortschatz fach. (20. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. pipeline, einer Zusammensetzung aus ne. pipe Röhre (Pfeife) und ne. line Strecke (Linie).    Ebenso nndl. pijpleiding, ne. pipeline, nfrz. pipe line, nschw.… …   Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache

  • pipeline — ► NOUN 1) a long pipe for conveying oil, gas, etc. over a distance. 2) (in surfing) the hollow formed by the breaking of a large wave. 3) Computing a linear sequence of specialized modules used for pipelining. ► VERB 1) convey by a pipeline. 2)… …   English terms dictionary

  • pipeline — pipeline, pipe line pipe line 1. A line of pipe with pumping machinery and apparatus for conveying liquids, gases, or finely divided solids, such as petroleum or natural gas, between distant points. [Webster 1913 Suppl. +PJC] 2. fig. an… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • pipeline — ☆ pipeline [pīp′līn΄ ] n. 1. a line of pipes for conveying water, gas, oil, etc. 2. any channel or means whereby something is passed on [a pipeline of information] vt. pipelined, pipelining to convey by, or supply with, a pipeline …   English World dictionary

  • Pipeline — Pipeline(englausgesprochen)f 1.Penis.AufgefaßtalsRohr ,Wasserleitung;beeinflußtvon»⇨Piepel1«.Halbw1960ff. 2.PipelineimGlas=TrinkhalmimGlas.1950ff …   Wörterbuch der deutschen Umgangssprache

  • pipeline — (n.) 1873, continuous line of pipes, from PIPE (Cf. pipe) (n.) + LINE (Cf. line) (n.). Figurative sense of channel of communication is from 1921; surfer slang meaning hollow part of a large wave is attested by 1963 …   Etymology dictionary

  • pipeline — s. m. Encanamento para o transporte à distância de gás (gasoduto), de líquidos (petróleo) [oleoduto] ou de sólidos pulverizados.   ‣ Etimologia: palavra inglesa …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

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