- antipasto
- s. m.hors-d'oeuvre (fr.), appetizer (ingl.), stuzzichino (fam.), amuse-bouche (fr.).
Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.
Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.
Antipasto — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Antipasto con Bruschette. Se llama antipasto (en italiano ‘antes del plato principal’; plural antipasti) al aperitivo que tradicionalmente se consume en la cocina italiana, y que inc … Wikipedia Español
Antipasto — means before the meal and is the traditional first course of a formal Italian meal. Many compare antipasto to Hors d oeuvre, but there are a number of differences.Hors d oeuvres are served while guests are still standing, and tend to be served… … Wikipedia
Antipasto — misto mit Bruschette … Deutsch Wikipedia
antipasto — (n.) 1934, from It. antipasto, from anti before (see ANTE (Cf. ante)) + pasto food, from L. pascere to feed (see PASTOR (Cf. pastor)). Earlier anglicized as antepast (1590) … Etymology dictionary
antipasto — m. Antispasto (*pie métrico) … Enciclopedia Universal
antipasto — s.m. [comp. di anti 2 e pasto ]. (gastron.) [insieme di vivande appetitose di vario genere servite all inizio del pasto] ▶◀ entrata, (fam.) stuzzichino … Enciclopedia Italiana
antipasto — antipàsto m DEFINICIJA kulin. predjelo (ob. u talijanskoj kuhinji i talijanskim restoranima) ETIMOLOGIJA tal … Hrvatski jezični portal
antipasto — sustantivo masculino 1. Origen: Argentina, Uruguay. Plato frío de entremeses formado por fiambres, aceitunas y verduras en vinagre … Diccionario Salamanca de la Lengua Española
antipasto — [an΄ti päs′tō, an΄tipas′tō; än΄tē päs′tō] n. [It < anti (L ante), before + pasto < L pastus, food < pascere, to feed: see FOOD] an assortment, as of salted fish, marinated vegetables, meats, cheeses, and olives, served as an appetizer … English World dictionary
antipasto — UK [ˈæntɪˌpæstəʊ] / US [ˌæntɪˈpɑstoʊ] noun [countable/uncountable] Word forms antipasto : singular antipasto plural antipasto or antipasti UK [ˈæntɪˌpæstɪ] / US [ˌæntɪˈpɑstɪ] cold food that you eat at the start of an Italian meal … English dictionary
antipasto — /æntiˈpæstoʊ / (say antee pastoh) noun (plural antipasti or antipastos) (in Italian cookery) 1. , antipastos) an assortment of meats, cheeses, olives, etc., served as an appetiser: we ordered antipasto. 2. , antipastos) an item included in such… …