
gazebo /ɡadˈdzɛbo, ingl. ɡəˈzibəu/
[vc. ingl., deriv. dalla sovrapposizione del v. (to) gaz(e) «guardare fissamente» col lat. (vid)ebo «vedrò» (?)]
s. m. inv.
chiosco (da giardino), padiglione, capanno, bersò.

Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione. 2010.

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  • Gazebo — (* 18. Februar 1960 in Beirut; bürgerlich Paul Mazzolini) ist ein italienischer Musiker. Seine Musik wird dem Genre des Italo Disco zugerechnet. Er ist der Sohn eines italienischen Diplomaten. Seine Mutter Stephanie war vor ihrer Ehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gazebo — |ê| s. m. Construção com teto, mas sem paredes, destinada a fornecer sombra ou abrigo em parques e jardins.   ‣ Etimologia: inglês gazebo …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • gazebo — /gə zi:bəʊ/, it. /ga dzɛbo/ s. ingl. [etimo incerto; forse formazione scherz. da (to ) gaze guardare ], usato in ital. al masch., invar. (archit.) [copertura da giardino in muratura o in ferro battuto, perlopiù rivestita da piante rampicanti]… …   Enciclopedia Italiana

  • gazebo — 1752, supposedly a facetious formation from gaze + bo, Latin first person singular future tense suffix (Cf. videbo I shall see ), on model of earlier belvedere cupola, from It. bello verde handsome sight. But perhaps rather a corruption of some… …   Etymology dictionary

  • gazebo — pronounced gǝ zee boh and meaning ‘a small glass building designed to give a wide view’, has the plural form gazebos. The word is 18c, and is thought to be a fanciful formation on gaze, as if it were a Latin future verb meaning ‘I will gaze (at… …   Modern English usage

  • gazebo — [n] pavilion arbor, bandstand, belvedere, bower, kiosk, platform, rotunda, summerhouse; concepts 440,443 …   New thesaurus

  • gazebo — ► NOUN (pl. gazebos or gazeboes) ▪ a summer house or similar structure offering a wide view of the surrounding area. ORIGIN perhaps humorously from GAZE(Cf. ↑gazer), in imitation of Latin future tenses ending in ebo …   English terms dictionary

  • gazebo — [gə zē′bō, gəzā′bō] n. pl. gazebos or gazeboes [jocular formation < GAZE, after L videbo, I shall see] 1. a turret, windowed balcony, or summerhouse from which one can gaze at the surrounding scenery; specif., a small, open building with a… …   English World dictionary

  • Gazebo — A gazebo is a pavilion structure, often octagonal, commonly found in parks, gardens, and spacious public areas. Gazebos are freestanding, or attached to a garden wall, roofed, and open on all sides; they provide shade, basic shelter, ornamental… …   Wikipedia

  • Gazebo — Para otros usos de este término, véase Paul Mazzolini. Gazebo, Monopteros en Munich. Un gazebo es un pabellón de planta simétrica, generalmente hexagonal o circular, que comúnmente se encuentra en los parques, jardines, y en áreas públicas… …   Wikipedia Español

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